Five Month Check In

Downward Dog Sue Style
Later this month will be five months since I completed Yogafit Level I training and I thought I’d check in. 
I spent February, March, and April team teaching both gentle yoga and the regular yoga classes at my rec center. So invaluable. While I felt the weekend training was extremely helpful in breaking down how to get in and out of poses and putting together flows, the team teaching I did was where I could see refinement. Diana, my mentor, and I really talked about strategies of teaching, how to turn the class away from the mirror, how to teach with the mirror, how to begin to connect the pose to what people may feel in the pose. We talked about physically getting through a class while talking and how that affects my breath. While I really appreciate the ability to take the Yogafit trainings when it’s convenient, I can also see the benefit of doing a more traditional training that may be 3 or 4 weeks long. I would imagine those trainings have time to address more of the nuances that come with transitioned from a personal practice to teaching. 
Theoretically, each of the people in my Level I training could safely conduct a basic yoga class by the end of the weekend. The mentorship I’ve been receiving since has really shown me that one weekend does not a great teacher make. But it does a great teacher begin. Or something equally grammatically torturous.
Since the beginning of May, I’ve been teaching at least 3 yoga classes a week, sometimes 4 or 5, and holy cow! I have seen and felt a difference in my body. For the most part, very positive differences- I’m stretchier, I feel stronger. I feel more connected to my body than ever. I’ve also started to understand that I need to be gentle and kind with my body so it will continue to work and do for me. Physical rest has started to become more important as I ramp up my teaching practice. I mean, I went from taking/teaching 2-3 classes a week to 7 or more. I’ve also started teaching a dance cardio class at the Y and a yoga class at a local senior center. That’s a big jump and I know my body is still adjusting to the added exercise. 
On a sheer practical note, I had to go clothes shopping. Hah! I had minuscule athletic wardrobe and I very quickly developed holes in the crotches of my leggings. They weren’t really workout leggings, just cotton ones with which I had been making do. Soooo…clothes shopping it was. I had grand plans to make myself a whole athletic wardrobe but I needed pants now! I still would like to make my clothes for this part of my life, but I had a surprising amount of fun shopping for some new pieces. A Torrid recently opened up just down the road and they had exactly what I needed at a price I was happy to pay. I added three pairs of actual workout leggings, a low impact sports bra, and a tank top and all of it matches interchangeably. I also found an awesome basic black Livi Active (Lane Bryant) tank on Thredup that I’ve added to the collection. I have plans to add a few more tops, at least one more sports bra, and a pair of leggings. I’ve recently discovered the amazing joy of having enough regular clothes to get through 8 or 9 days before a desperate wash day and I’d like to have the same luxury in my athletic gear. Currently, I’m washing about every 4 days. I’d like to have just one load a week. I think that will also help my clothes last longer if they’re not washed as frequently.
So, that’s my update. Oh! Quick update: the senior center yoga class will finish out my volunteer hours for my level I certification by the end of this month so I’m ahead of schedule on that! I’ll be glad to check that box. 
Till next time!
Side Plank because I felt like a Boss Ass Bitch


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