Pattern Review: P4P Peg Legs


Today, you're getting my first pattern review. No, don't back away. I'm giving it to you whether you like it or not!

Was that a tad confrontational? Sorry about that.

Anyhoots, the Pattern4Pirates Peg Leg leggings pattern.
My first class as a dance cardio instructor!


  • freeeeeeeeeee wheeeeeeeee!!!!
  • so many variations available in the same pattern
  • the pdf is NO TRIM (scissors need not apply)
  • the pdf is in layers which means you can print out ONLY the sizes you want
  • pocketsesssszzzzzzz (the free add-on gives options on a side panel, color blocking, two pockets, a gusset, and a contoured waistband...lots of options! and pockets!)
  • the pattern has a size chart 
  • the pattern webpage has lots of pictures that show a wide variety of the combinations
  • the pattern webpage shows this pattern on lots of different body types

  • only in pdf, not available in printed form. (I would be willing to purchase the printed pattern while the pdf remains free)
  • non-numerical sizing 
  • the pictures included in the instructions use patterned fabric that makes it difficult to make out the demonstrated detail
  • I wish the size range was wider
  • lack of finished garment sizing
Bringing it all together:

I made this pattern in the 3x capri with side panels, side pockets, and a curved waistband. The fabric was the athletic brushed poly from Zenith and Quasar. I made no modifications apart from using the options mentioned previously. I found the waist band tended to roll down. I liked the capri length and found the rest of the pattern pleasing proportionally. I plan to make this pattern in the future with the following modifications:
  • add 3 inches in the hip (this pattern has negative ease but my hips are above the size chart and I need a little more room here for total comfort)
  • experiment with adding elastic in the waistband to combat rolling (I may also experiment with waistband size. I'm not sure if the rolling is a product of too small or too big.)
  • I would like to try this pattern in a shorter length to wear under dresses.
I would like to give kudos that even with the styling options, there are no seams that run across the knee. I dislike any leggings that have knee seams as I find that uncomfortable during my yoga practice or anytime I'm kneeling. So, kudos to this pattern for avoiding that mistake.

I think this could become a real TNT for me if I can work out the waistband issues and give my bodacious badonkadonk a touch more room in the hips. The options for color blocking and pockets are extremely attractive and exciting.

For a free pattern, this is a definite keeper and I'd like to thank Patterns4Pirates for giving such a quality pattern for free.


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