Hello, I'm Sue. I weigh 300 pounds and I am training to be a yoga instructor. Earlier this February, I participated in and helped host a Yogafit Level 1 training in my hometown. I've practiced yoga with varying degrees of intensity and commitment for more than five years. Two years ago, I began teaching water aerobics with a local group exercise program. My supervisor, Whitney, is amazing. She's so encouraging and welcoming of all body types. Classes range from pilates and yoga to HIIT and Cycle/Spin classes and she's all about encouraging people to try something new. She recruited me for water aerobics and later encouraged me to begin teaching dance cardio (like Zumba but with more pop and less latin music). All along, she has encouraged me to think about training to teach yoga. My favorite yoga teacher, Diana, has also been incredibly encouraging and supportive about the possibility of teaching. I finally found the courage to jump in. Y'all. It was ...
So, you know how sometimes you have a favorite thing and you have many of this thing because it's your favorite and you can't imagine that you could want a different version of this thing because you think this thing is already perfect? No? Just me? Well, I'm a die-hard Cashmerette fan, in particular the Springfield top. I have made at least six version of that tank top, maybe more like ten. It's a quick sew for me. I've perfected the fit. I've started hacking it into different iterations. I love it. Sooo....when Helen's Closet asked for testers for a beginner's level tank top, I was happy to help but not terribly enthusiastic about the pattern itself. Because, you see, I had already solved that issue in my closet. Or I thought I had. Y'all. I love this top. It was a sleeper for me. I was unsure if I liked it up to and including putting it on my body to wear for the first time. By the time we got home from a dinner out with friends,...
Greetings! Helen’s Closet is releasing their new pattern today, Yanta Overalls. This is their first new release in their new extended sizes. I was excited to be one of the testers for this pattern. I chose to sew the short option with a brown 100% cotton micro-whale corduroy from my stash, originally from Fabric Mart Fabrics. I used a batik quilting cotton as the lining to reduce bulk and add a pop of color. I don’t like unfinished pocket interiors so I lined the chest and tush pockets as well. The tester version also had in-seam pockets which I used, but the final version eliminated those and uses front patch pockets. I think that was a smart change as I found the in-seam pockets bulky. I may sew up the seams, cut them off and add the patch pockets later. Helen also raised the tush pockets on the higher end of the size range. I would definitely say my back pockets look a little saggy in placement. I chose to use the clever hidden zipper and I am quite pleased with the added eas...
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