Progress Report: 2 Months On


I've taught a few classes by myself now. I've subbed two classes for my fellow instructors at my rec center and I've done two volunteer classes at my local library.

I would not say I feel like I have my class personality yet, but I do feel much more comfortable at this stage than I expected. I think that has a lot to do with my other fitness teaching. Let me tell ya, once you've taught in your bathing suit, in front of 25 people, 20 of whom are not in your class, your comfort level has been stretched, shall we say. I also teach dance cardio which can be rather complicated and work intensive with choreography.

I know I use a lot of the same phrases my mentor Diana uses, but that's to be expected. Her class is my most frequented and she really taps into how I communicate with my own body.

There is definitely a difference between my free classes and the rec classes. My friends have really shown their support by coming to my library classes so the vibe is a bit different. There's more chatter and, to be honest, it's a bit more nerve-wracking since I care a great deal more about what they think of my class. But, it's also been kinda loose which has been nice because I've found that I don't need to be the "unapproachable" or "untouchable" yoga instructor. I like a bit of chit chat in the smaller group setting. I like the immediate feedback.

The rec center classes have been a decidedly younger group, as expected at a university rec center. They tend not to verbally respond as much in class but I did notice some of them adjusting alignments as I taught which made me happy. Hopefully, something I said clicked for some of them.

I've continued my team teaching with my mentor, which has its challenges. I've tried to let go of a need for validation from my mentor, but it's hard. I respect her so much that's it's difficult to stay centered. She is endlessly supportive and manages somehow to deliver corrective feedback without any sting. It's also challenging to jump in with my bits during class because there is such a wide difference between our teaching experience. The participants have been very welcoming and encouraging.

I would like to experience team teaching with a bit more parity between the two of us. My supervisor has recommended another instructor if I'd like a wider experience and I think I'll take her up on that. Also, I've decided I need to start experiencing a wider range of instructors. I think that will help with developing my own teaching style.


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