I am a beautiful, psychedelic mushroom.


Helen’s Closet is releasing their new pattern today, Yanta Overalls. This is their first new release in their new extended sizes. I was excited to be one of the testers for this pattern. I chose to sew the short option with a brown 100% cotton micro-whale corduroy from my stash, originally from Fabric Mart Fabrics. I used a batik quilting cotton as the lining to reduce bulk and add a pop of color. I don’t like unfinished pocket interiors so I lined the chest and tush pockets as well. The tester version also had in-seam pockets which I used, but the final version eliminated those and uses front patch pockets. I think that was a smart change as I found the in-seam pockets bulky. I may sew up the seams, cut them off and add the patch pockets later. Helen also raised the tush pockets on the higher end of the size range. I would definitely say my back pockets look a little saggy in placement. I chose to use the clever hidden zipper and I am quite pleased with the added ease.

The only other alterations I made were to line the straps (happy accident of sewing them in backwards so extra pop of color) and add 4” to the hips as I am bodaciously blessed in that department. Otherwise I sewed a straight 30.

I was so pleasantly surprised at how comfortable this garment was when I sat down. My experience with overalls is they either bag down to my knees or attempt to cut me in half and these do neither. Helen did a great job drafting the rise and bodice if this garment. I haven’t worn overalls much at all in the last ten years so the garment itself felt a little strange but i think more wear will help with that sensation.

I would like another pair in linen and one in denim/chambray. I’m digging the baggy, art teacher vibe and I would like to really lean into that. Also, this is an incredibly practical piece of clothing. So. Many. Pockets. Ladies, we complain about no pockets but so very not so here. There are lots of ways to customize the pockets too. I plan to add a cargo pocket, hammer loop, and sunglass loop to future pairs.

Thank you, Helen, for such a fun, practical pattern. Thank you to my friend Darlene for acting as my Instagram husband!


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