Vacation Mindset

I'm in the midst of packing for a big vacation we're taking with my mom. We're cruising with stops in Key West and Havana, Cuba and I could not be more excited.

For several reasons.

1. I'm going to do awesome relaxing things like read in a deck chair while overlooking the water.
2. I'm going to HAVANA CUBA!!!
3. I'm going to KEY WEST!!! (Both places I've never been.)

and a biggie...

4. I know what I'm going to wear.

I've talked a bit on this blog about how I'm currently in the midst of making lasting positive changes in my life. Part of that process has been learning to sew my own clothing. I'm taking quite a few things I've made with me. My whole wardrobe won't be hand made, but a good 60-70% will be. So knowing what I'm going to wear means so much more to me on this vacation. I know where the fabric came from. I know how it was constructed. I know how much time went into the garments. I know it will fit. I know I will be comfortable. I know I will look exactly how I want to look.

These are all revolutionary feelings for me. I've never had this level of confidence in ALL of my clothing, not just my favorite three outfits. I also have ENOUGH clothing for the first time in my memory. I have enough to cover not just the cruise, but the days driving to and from the cruise terminal AND STILL BE COMFORTABLE. And cute. But most importantly comfortable.

Even when I wore straight sizes I was always sizing in and out of at least 75% of my wardrobe. I've never been one of those people who just were a single size for years.

So I'm going to go on vacation. And I'm going to like how I look doing it.


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